UK AI Start-Up Secures First Ever Software Enterprise Agreement Lite with the UK MoD

AI & robotics start-up Oxford Dynamics has secured an Enterprise Agreement Lite with the UK Ministry of Defence worth up to £2m for its generative AI technology to assist with the searching, interrogation and summarising of complex data.

This is the first AI-focused EA Lite contract of its type to be awarded by the MoD to a company, demonstrating the desire to use the innovative technology of cutting-edge UK start-ups to solve government challenges.

With most governments and their agencies being inundated with data, the challenge is growing near exponentially, causing vast data silos of information and leading to sub-optimal decision making.

This is where Oxford Dynamics’ AVIS technology comes in. Edward Jackson, OD co-founder and Director explains “AVIS is a highly modular scalable software platform designed to ingest both real-time and archive data. It allows complex data interrogation, comparison and summaries to be achieved in seconds via very human-like conversations.”

He adds, “In simple terms, you can think of AVIS as a smart combination of a searching algorithm like google search and a large language model, such as ChatGPT.  However, these types of technologies suffer from inherent, intractable challenges such as lack of explainability and trustworthiness, together with inability to scale to Enterprise level – and that’s where AVIS comes in”.

UK SMEs are considered a vital resource capability for the MOD, allowing some the of most innovative ideas and technologies to be rapidly developed.

“AI is seen as a strategically important capability for the UK. We need to be at the forefront of this technology, both in understanding it and applying it to solve real-world pressing challenges.
By offering such framework contracts to some of our most promising indigenous start-ups, we’re well placed to be early-adopters and shapers of such critical technologies. We are proud as Defence Digital Commercial and Commercial X to support SMEs, and bring innovation to the Ministry of Defence.
Oxford Dynamics is a brilliant example of that innovation, and this EA Lite represents a step forward in providing SMEs a platform within Defence, and spurring pace and creative AI solutions”,
said Defence Digital Commercial & Commercial X, part of the Ministry of Defence.

Government customers, and those in highly regulated sectors such as insurance, pharmaceutical and banking, often require offline solutions given the sensitivity of their data.

Jackson added, “We’ve designed AVIS to work in a completely offline containerised format but also in the cloud or in a hybrid format. This flexibility, and our teams’ ability to rapidly develop pre-processing Modules, means we’re well-placed to deliver a highly efficient system able to process a wide range of complex data. Even with a document, like a pdf, there’s a wide range of embedded data that needs to be extracted. Aside from the text itself, data can often appear in tables, graphs, photographs and images”.

The company’s second co-founder, Shefali Sharma explained “AVIS is not designed to replace people - it’s a tool designed to do the heavy-lifting of data processing, freeing up an Analyst to focus on critical, high-value decision making. AI tools are not at the point where we can trust them explicitly”, explained “They can, however, significantly exceed the cognitive abilities of a human, so it’s about applying such technology in a smart way, freeing up humans to focus on decision making whilst staying firmly in control with an ability to verify everything the AI system is telling them”.

Grace Wallace is the Strategy & Internationalisation Coordinator and part of the Strategy and Investment team at Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

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